Planet Facts
There are nine planets in our solar system including Earth.
The planet Venus spins opposite to the other planets in the
solar system.
Astronomers once believed a planet named Vulcan existed
between Mercury and the Sun.
Jupiter is the fastest rotating planet, which can complete
one revolution in less than ten hours.
The ancient Greeks attributed the planet to Ares, their god
of war, because of its red color.
On Mars the seasons are more exaggerated and last much
longer than on Earth.
Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
The first spacecraft to visit the planet Venus was Mariner 2
in 1962.
All the planets in our solar system could be placed inside
Saturn has the greatest number of known moons in the solar
Saturn's largest moon is named Titan.
The Earth is the most dense planet while Saturn is the least
The planet Venus has no seasons because it does not tilt as
it goes around the Sun.