Warthogs are the only pigs able to live in areas without
water for several months of the year
The scientific names of warthogs are Phacochoerus
aethiopicus and Phacochoerus africanus.
Warthogs avoid fights by running away or dodging into a
Lions and leopards are warthog's most likely predators
Warthogs live about 15 years
The Warthog's Swahili name is Ngiri
Male warthogs normally live by themselves, only joining the
groups to mate
Warthogs are found in moist and arid savannas.
Warthogs avoid rainforest, deserts and high mountains.
Warthogs live in family groups of a female and her young.
Warthogs are generally peaceful, but sometimes a male may
attack another male during mating season.
Warthogs are found in most of Africa south of the Sahara and
in East Africa.
Warthogs weigh around 200 pounds
Warthogs can reach speeds of 48 kilometers an hour.